The first responsible investment strategy focused on root causes and systemic change

SCI  provides the highest possible sustainability benefits,
enables full portfolio risk mitigation, and enhances investment returns, reputation and market share

Welcome to

System Change Investing

Sounds interesting?
Read on …

Why is System Change important?

Current responsible investing seeks to change companies and address symptoms, such as climate change. But companies do what economic and political systems demand. Current systems compel businesses to harm the environment and society. These reductionist systems are the root causes of major challenges. Improving them is the most important action needed to resolve challenges and protect business and society. Investing is the most powerful system change lever. SCI uses investing to drive system change.

How SCI works

  • SCI helps financial firms to assess corporate system change performance and shift investments to system change leaders

  • It enables them to improve financial and sustainability performance by integrating system change metrics and launching SCI funds

  • It incentivizes companies to implement system change strategies and collaborate on system change

Wondering if it is for you?

Here is more…

SCI is designed for cutting edge financial firms and corporations who see the future more clearly than their competitors and seek to

  • ensure full portfolio risk mitigation

  • enhance investment returns, impact, reputation and market share

  • evolve their sustainability strategies with a holistic, system-wide approach, addressing the root causes of global challenges

  • drive systemic change and position themselves as next generation sustainability leaders

Learn more about SCI benefits

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Here is what Financial Experts say about SCI …

Why wait to unlock the power of SCI for you?

Here’s what we offer …

SCI Expert Advisory Services

Strategic assessment and review of your responsible investing/sustainability programs - development of strategies for effectively addressing system change, fully mitigating sustainability risk, and improving financial and sustainability performance


Customizing and tailoring SCI Models to your specific investment objectives and risk profile

Integrate & Implement
Guiding you through every step of SCI integration into your responsible investing or sustainability strategies including implementation and launching SCI funds

For more details see SCI Offer

Want to discuss a detailed offer tailored to your needs?

SCI - An opportunity not to be missed!

Become a pioneer in the next generation of responsible investing

Drive positive impact while enhancing financial performance

Position your organization as a leader in the transition to a sustainable future and society

SCI is more than just an investment strategy!

By embracing SCI, you are not only enhancing your financial performance but also playing a pivotal role in shaping a better world for generations to come

Our Vision

Treating the world as if we intend to stay

Create a sustainable society and economic system based on the laws of nature that works for all

Who we are

Frank Dixon Photo

Frank Dixon, Harvard MBA, helps financial institutions and companies to implement the most advanced responsible investing and sustainability strategies. As the head of research for the largest ESG research firm (Innovest/MSCI), he saw that system change was the most important sustainability issue. He wrote the Global System Change books and developed the GSC whole system framework to guide system change. He also developed the SCI approach to provide practical and profitable ways to engage the corporate and financial sectors in system change. He helped many financial sector clients to implement high-performing responsible investing strategies, including CalPERS, Mellon and ABN AMRO. He also presented at many conferences and universities, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT and Cambridge.

Claudine Perlet Photo

Dr. Claudine Perlet, lawyer and former executive at Allianz, Goldman Sachs, and Freshfields, is a pioneer in the field of transformative change. She founded Business Reinvented to help corporate and financial leaders unlock the power of business and champion the transition to a regenerative business world. Claudine considers systemic investment approaches to be essential, and identified market gaps that she is now actively seeking to bridge with Frank Dixon, the creator of System Change Investing. She was Global Head of Compliance at Allianz Global Investors and headed the Global COO Office of Allianz for several years. She has lived, worked and studied in Frankfurt, Sydney, London, Hong Kong and Munich, where she is now based. Claudine embodies the blend of profound business expertise with the visionary commitment and know-how for creating regenerative futures.

Want to learn more about how SCI can transform your investment approach and propel you to the forefront of sustainable investing?

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